Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry Blog

4 Ways to Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month

February 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — treehouseped @ 9:32 pm

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month to create awareness about pediatric dental hygiene to promote healthy young smiles. With tooth decay still the most chronic childhood disease, despite being preventable, you can use the month as an opportunity to discuss the importance of good brushing and flossing habits with your little one. You can celebrate together and nurture your child’s lifelong commitment to their dental health with 4 new oral hygiene products. 


4 Benefits of Early Cleanings and Checkups

January 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — treehouseped @ 9:25 pm

The new year is here, which is the perfect time to get your child to their pediatric dentist for a cleaning and checkup. Children need routine dental care, just like adults. Although their primary teeth are only in place for a few years, they are invaluable for your little one’s oral health and development. A preventive appointment every 6 months will safeguard their baby teeth and create a healthy foundation for their permanent set. While you have all year to schedule an appointment, here are 4 benefits of seeing a dentist early in the year.


6 Tips for a Healthy Smile During the Holidays

December 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — treehouseped @ 5:05 pm

The holidays can add a couple of extra inches to your waistline if you aren’t careful; however, the season can also affect your smile. You’ll be surrounded by many sweet treats and delicious meals that can tempt your tastebuds, but they can be a recipe for disaster if you don’t give your teeth and gums the attention they deserve. You don’t have to worry about hearing bad news the next time you see your dentist. Here are 6 tips to keep your smile healthy during the holidays.


6 Dental Health Tips for Cold and Flu Season

November 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 12:53 am

With children back in the classroom, it’s almost impossible to avoid germs. As temperatures drop, cold and flu season is here. Unfortunately, a bad case of the sniffles can affect your little one’s dental health if you aren’t careful. Here are 6 tips from your pediatric dentist in Northampton to keep their teeth and gums healthy until they are back on their feet.


5 Tips to Prevent Cavities on Halloween

October 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 1:28 am

Spooky decorations and creative costumes aren’t the only reason children get excited about Halloween. No night of trick-or-treating would be complete without indulging in their favorite candy and treats. However, you don’t want Halloween to come back to haunt your little one’s smile. You don’t have to say “no” to candy by following a few tips from your pediatric dentist for a cavity-free smile.


Dangers of Vaping for Your Teen’s Smile

September 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — treehouseped @ 1:07 am

Adolescents and teens are surrounded by peer pressure, which can lead to some bad decisions, like vaping. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 2 million U.S. middle and high school students use e-cigarettes regularly. Just like every other doctor, your pediatric dentist in Northampton also warns against the dangers of vaping. No matter the frequency of use, type of device, flavor, or brand, vaping can come back to haunt your child’s smile. 


6 Tips to Ace Your Child’s Dental Exam

August 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — treehouseped @ 12:46 am

Summer vacation is nearly over, which means your child is getting ready for a new school year. While you shop for school supplies and trendy outfits, life’s about to get busier as your child heads back to the classroom. Their oral hygiene routine can suffer from the chaos of getting out the door on time. Your child’s dental health doesn’t have to get lost in the shuffle. Here are 6 tips from your pediatric dentist to ensure your child’s smile aces their next dental exam. 


When is an Athletic Mouthguard Necessary?

July 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 9:28 pm

Sports are a great way for little ones and your family to stay fit and active. You know the right protective gear is important for preventing injuries, like wearing a helmet while going on a bike ride or knee pads when roller skating. However, there’s another important piece of protection everyone in your home should wear when heading outdoors to play sports. A mouthguard is essential for preventing oral injuries, but which sports require one? Your pediatric dentist has the information you need to ensure no one ends up with a dental emergency. 


3 Surprising Cavity-Causing Foods

June 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 10:39 pm

The biggest threat to your child’s smile is tooth decay, despite being preventable. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 20% of children between the ages of 5 to 11 have at least one untreated cavity, making it more common than childhood asthma. You know brushing, flossing, and regular visits to a pediatric dentist can safeguard your child’s smile; however, the foods they eat are equally important to combat cavities. Did you know candy and cookies aren’t the only contributors to decay? Here are 3 surprising foods that can put your child’s smile at risk of cavities.


4 Summer Dangers for Young Smiles

May 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 8:25 pm

The kids are out of school for the summer, which means spending plenty of time outdoors. As your child soaks up the sunshine and warmer weather, the last place you want them to end up is at an emergency dentist. You may never expect it to happen to your family, but 1 in 6 Americans has a dental emergency annually. Children can have an added risk, especially during the summer. Many favorite hot-weather activities can result in a trip to a pediatric dentist. Here are 4 seasonal pastimes that can be dangerous for your child’s smile. 

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